Things Grown Men Shouldn't Do At Sporting Events
We're hardly perfect... in fact, far from it. But, over the last 20 years spent helping men look and feel their best, we've learned a thing or two about men and how they can best present themselves in a variety of situations. The situation we're talking about today is sports, whether watching on the tube or live at a game. And we're going to harp on the negative this go-around -- focusing on the things men should not do under any circumstances while watching dudes run with a ball or shoot one through a basket or such.
- JERSEYS WITH A PLAYER'S NAME ON THE BACK: With rare exception, a man should never wear another man's name on his back.
- PAINTED FACE: You do you, as long as it doesn't entail a grown man paying hundreds of dollars for a ticket and spending hours in the mirror painting his face prior. Not saying it's right, but every other person in that stadium is saying "is that legal past 14?"
- BOO-ING YOUR OWN TEAM: If you're a real fan of the team, unless they clearly give up or act inappropriate, cheering or encouraging them through tough times is essential. How'd you like if someone came to your accounting firm and taunted you at your desk?
- STANDING UP WHEN NOT REQUIRED: Unless everyone in front of you is standing up, there's no need for you to stand up and block the view of the poor kid behind you. Have some self-awareness, Todd.
- SPEND THE WHOLE GAME TAKING SELFIES: Do you go to the game to watch or cheer, or to let people know you were at the game, where you didn't watch or cheer?
- BRING BEER OR FOOD INTO THE RESTROOM: Don't think this needs further explanation, but if you're at the urinal, taking a leak and holding a cold brew in your mouth, you're kinda gross. Grasping a hot pretzel in your non-active handing is an even-higher offense.
All this said, we're about kindness.... not hate. So while the thought of doing any of the above personally gives us the dry heaves, what the hell do we know? Do your thing and have fun (while potentially looking like a giant tool bag).