Getting Married? Take Our Good Grooming Advice For The Groom
It’s wedding season. And if you’re heading down the aisle, you'll want to look like the trophy husband you are. The bride will be glowing. So why shouldn't the groom and even the guests? With a little luck, your wedding pictures will last a lifetime and you don't want to ruin them with a face full of razor burn, bumps, and redness. Sometimes it takes a special occasion to learn good skincare habits. Using quality products and paying attention to your pre and post shave routine will have you looking you're most handsome while tying the knot and beyond.
Get your skin in shape.
You’ve probably been logging some serious hours in the gym, shredding for the wedding. But as you know looking buff in a tuxedo doesn’t happen overnight. The same goes for your skin. Your routine should start weeks before the big day. Start by exfoliating the dead skin cells, dirt and grime of the past and start your new life with a fresh face. Doing so with Grooming Lounge Mug Scrubber will improve the efficacy of all the products that follow. You pre-shave oil, shave cream and moisturizer will sink deeper into your skin and to work their magic. And remember, it’s best not to start trying new products on the days leading up to your wedding in case you have a skin reaction.
Get your head together.
Do you like your haircut best a few days after it’s been trimmed? Or do you prefer a shorter freshly buzzed dome? There is no wrong answer. Just make sure to lock down your favorite barber in advance. And you’ll want to take care of that dandruff too. Those annoying white flakes are even more noticeable when sitting on the shoulders of a dark suit or tuxedo. Start using a dandruff remedy every time you wash your hair. Try Recipe For Men Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. It delivers powerful vitamins and nutrients to repair and relieve your itchy scalp.
Don’t sweat it.
Watch the weather. If your wedding day weather report is calling for excessive heat and humidity, you'll need to be prepared. A hot day coupled with a case of the nerves doesn't have to be wedding disaster. Use a fresh smelling, odor killing deodorant that lasts through the entire reception. Grooming Lounge Greatest Pits has staying power and won’t stain your clothes. And be sure to keep the family jewels cool and fresh with Grooming Lounge Super Powder.