Gym Rules 101: How To Lift, Bench And Squat Respectfully

Gym Rules 101: How To Lift, Bench And Squat Respectfully

Get after it gym rats. After all, there’s nothing better than working up a good sweat. If your favorite place to pick things up and put them down is at your local gym, be sure to lift, bench and squat respectfully. Don't be a dumbbell. There is a gym code to live by while getting ripped. Always treat your fellow shredders the way you expect to be treated. The following set of gym rules is worth repeating. Because what's a few more reps?


Wipe it down.

It doesn’t matter which piece of equipment you're on, wipe it down before and after using it. If the gym doesn’t supply a towel or some anti-bacterial wipes bring your own. Nobody wants to lay in your sweat sesh. Nasty things grow in warm, moist places. According to a Huffington Post interview with Dr. Pritish Tosh, M.D., infectious diseases physician at the Mayo Clinic, “One biggie is community-acquired MRSA ( methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), an infection “caused by a strain of staph bacteria that’s become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat ordinary staph infections,” according to the Mayo Clinic’s website. MRSA, no thanks!


Wear Deodorant.

Seems like pretty obvious advice, right? The problem is finding one that works. Grooming Lounge Greatest Pits Deodorant kills the underarm, stink-causing bacteria. Both Cross Fitters and Cross Trainers will enjoy this fresh smelling, soothing stick that won’t aggravate chaffed skin with added aluminum and alcohol. Here is the move. Swipe this cooling, Eucalyptus deodorant stick under your pits. Breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Smell that foul B.O.? No, I didn’t think so.


Throw out old gym clothes

After a while, your gym clothes will stink and no amount of washing will bring them back. It’s possible to extend the freshness of your favorite t-shirts and shorts by hand washing and air-drying them. But who has time for that? When replenishing your gym wardrobe look for modern sweat wicking fabrics that will move moisture away from your body. You'll stay cool and dry in this Under Armour Threadborne Target Logo T-Shirt with anti-odor technology. And when washing and drying your gym duds listen to Good Housekeeping and skip the fabric softener as it breaks down the fabric and bakes the bad smell into the fabric. Ew!


Grunting in a grunt-free zone.

Believe it or not, grunting or yelling can help you crush your workout. Studies show that getting loud while working out can considerably increase performance. When put to the test athletes have noted improvements in force, velocity, and timing. So why do so many gyms frown upon it? Because there’s always that guy, that crosses the line. Don’t be that guy.


Don’t be a space invader

Of course, when lifting you should spot and be spotted. But moving in on a fellow gym rat’s personal space especially while they are lifting is big no, no. The same goes for handing out random diet and exercise tips to strangers or chatting up the dude wearing headphones. Just don’t do it. And while we’re on the subject, give a guy some room in the shower and sauna as well. If you think you're too close, you probably are.



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