A Shoe Shine Can Give You A Leg Up On The Competition
Having your shoes shined is just as important as getting a shave and a haircut. As you well know, the secret to achieving greater handsomeness is all in the details. So when trying to impress the ladies or your future boss, you'll want to be prepared, pulled together and polished. Tying a perfect half-Windsor knot, leaving the bottom button open on your suit jacket and keeping your shoes polished are the style nuances that set you apart from the pack. It may seem old school but trust us, after reading this post you’ll start noticing all the other dudes with scuffed up shoes.
Like with any job, having the proper tools makes all the difference. The Shoe Care Valet With Starter Kit II from Wayfair makes a handy college graduation gift for young men striving to keep it profesh. This solid cedar valet comes with a shoe support and a variety of shoe creams, clothes, and horsehair brushes. And there’s plenty of room to add polishes and waxes with each promotion.
Good shoes are damn expensive. Conditioning yours will extend their life and stretch your dollar. Normal wear and tear along with harsh weather conditions can dry out the leather causing it to harden and crack. Using a cream or a polish will keep your shoes supple and breathable while protecting them from water damage. For a higher-shine and to cover serious scuffs use a wax. It will seal and protect your shoes while making them shine like new.
Wheels up! It’s important to look polished even while on the road. To keep your shoes from stinking up the rest of the clothes in your suitcase store each pair in their own pouch. We like these inexpensive nylon bags from YAMIU that come in packs of four. And when you land, hit the ground running with this Gentlemen’s Hardware Shoe-Shine Kit from G.H. Bass & Co. It comes with two brushes, black and clear polish and a buffing cloth all in an easily packable zip around case. First class indeed.
Once your set with supplies, get to work on your shoeshine. Spread out some newspaper or an old towel to protect your floor. Give your shoes a good going over with a horsehair brush to get rid of any rocks or dirt stuck in your soles or on the surface. Use another brush to apply polish all over the shoe and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Once it dries, brush all the excess polish off your shoe. Finish, by buffing in a circular motion and shine on.