4 Ways To Make Your Hands Look Less Gross
We put our hands through so much every day, they really take a beating. They’re on the front lines of incidents and accidents, getting caught in car doors and braving the widely used subway poles. For many, strenuous use of the hands is the key to a successful day’s work. But while rough, sturdy hands are the pride-worthy product of a man's man, you may want to make a smoother impression when off the job. Cracked skin and long, dirty fingernails are cries for help and shouldn’t go unheeded. Show your hands the respect they deserve by moisturizing that skin and maintaining those nails.
Love Lotion
Dry skin is especially common during the winter so the past couple months have likely taken their toll. Chalky knuckles aren’t just scratchy and unsightly; left unattended, excessively dry skin can start to crack, leaving you prone to bacteria and infection. Prevent this by introducing hand lotion into your daily routine. By moisturizing, you'll save your poor hands from splitting at the seams like worn gloves.
Nailed It
For those of us who have consistently relied on one set of inherited clippers to treat both fingernails and toenails, it may come as a surprise that some clippers are designed specifically for your fingers. In fact, the differences don’t end there, so feel free to explore the many variations of clippers. For the purpose of trimming fingernails, check out the Zwilling/J.A. Henckels Fingernail Clippers - Not only do they feature a super-sharp, slightly curved edge, but they’re also designed to catch your trimmings (because isn’t it frustrating when clipped nails fly everywhere like tiny paratroopers?). Also be on the lookout for clippers that have a good grip so your fingers don’t slip before you can clamp down on that stubborn nail.
Hang Out
They’re called hangnails, but these little buggers are actually slivers of skin that poke out from the sides of nails like stubborn weeds. Some stick out so much that you can’t help trying to tug them out, but to no avail. Now you can safely nip them in the bud with the Tweezerman G.E.A.R. Mini Hangnail Squeeze & Snip Nipper. Feel the satisfaction of Spring cleaning but on a much smaller scale.
Put the “Man” in “Manicure”
Although it’s typically represented as an exclusively female activity, the manicure is a comprehensive and refreshing treatment that anyone with hands can enjoy. You can go the at-home route or treat yourself and go to a professional. If you opt to do it yourself, check out this guide to personal, DIY manicures and make sure you have the right tools. The Groomster Manicure Set by HeadBlade packs everything you need for a personal manicure into a portable kit. But if you’re not confident about conducting the process yourself (a hack job at cuticle-cutting could lead to infection), the skilled hands of a pro can relieve your anxiety.