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8 Ways To Be More Productive At Work

Photo by Michael Gilman

Sure you work hard – really hard.  You put in the time, trying to make your business endeavors a success and climb the corporate ladder (if one exists).  But are you as productive at work as possible?  The answer is “NO” -- because no one is.  But, with some simple tips and suggestions, odds are you can be more productive and do a better job tomorrow than you did yesterday or even today.

We did some major research (really productively) and are throwing out 8 tips for getting more done in the time that you want to get it done.  Stand by for success.

  1. Take Some Regular Breaks: It may sound counter intuitive, but taking scheduled breaks can actually improve concentration. Research has shown that taking short breaks during long tasks helps you to maintain a constant level of performance.
  2. Hold Standing Meetings: We’re not talking about “regularly scheduled” meetings -- we’re talking about actually standing up during such meetings. If you absolutely must have a meeting, there's evidence that standing meetings (they're just what they sound like -- everyone stands) can result in increased group arousal (no smart comments), decreased territoriality and improved group performance.
  3. Leave At A Specific Time: If you know you're leaving at 5:45 p.m. sharp, you're more likely to work more efficiently up until that time. There's just something about deadlines that makes us thrive. Without deadlines for stuff, you can turn a two hour project into a four hour project (we know this from experience).
  4. Deal With Things A.S.A.P.: If something comes up and you can deal with it in a couple of minutes, then DO IT NOW. There's no point in postponing. But remember, this tip only works for smaller things like fielding an inquiry from a client or co-worker. Under no circumstances should you begin projects this way -- you'll never get anything done.
  5. Eat The Right Stuff: The Box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts (while freakin' delicious) or that bucket of fries taste awesome, but they aren’t your friend when it comes to having the energy required for greatness.  Put those donuts down (donuts are for closers) and snack on some healthy stuff (at least healthier stuff).
  6. Designate A Few Times To Answer E-mails: Unless they’re urgent, answering them as they come in makes productivity difficult.  Maybe check that inbox or your phone once an hour and get back to people then, but doing it every three minutes is a recipe for zilch getting accomplished.
  7. Follow The 80/20 Rule: Only 20 percent of what you do each day produces 80 percent of your results. Eliminate the things that don’t matter during your workday -- they have a minimal effect on your overall productivity. For example -- break your next project down into steps and systematically remove tasks until you end up with the 20 percent that gets the 80 percent of results.
  8. Use Grooming Products That Are Also At-Work Refreshers: Sure you might think this is just promotion, but trust us, it’s not.  There are a variety of grooming products, from energizing moisturizers to face and body wipes to powders that can keep you feeling energized, fresh and ready to tackle whatever is ahead of your day (and they might also make sure you don’t stink – as stench isn't productive).

If you have any other suggestions for making the most out of your work day, please share with the community in the comments.  We could all be a bit more productive. Do it now.

This article was written and appeared on Grooming Lounge and our Founder, Mike Gilman, were quoted a lot, so we borrowed the article. Giving them credit -- hope it's OK.

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