Some Regrettable Celebrity Grooming Gaffes

Fame is a double-edged sword. While accomplishments are publicly praised, the more objectionable feats and slipups are also subject to intense scrutiny. And in the age of social media, the whiffs and gaffes of outrageous fortune are quickly shared and picked apart for our amusement. Sometimes it’s unfair. Other times it’s clear the perpetrators have it coming to them. This is certainly true in the realm of physical appearance and style. From overly bold styling choices to glaring mental lapses, here are some of the most interesting grooming decisions by celebrities in recent memory.

Better Luck Next Time

Indianapolis Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck recently sported a mustache at this year’s Summer Training Camp, prompting comparisons to Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite . Having long been sidelined with an injury to his throwing shoulder, Luck possibly wanted to make a fresh start by drawing a focus away from his infamous neckbeard. Whether the ‘stache beats the beard is up for debate, but it seems that however Luck sculpts his face will leave him exposed to some playful jabs.

A Star(boy) is Shorn

The musician pioneered whatever one would call this hairstyle, which was both unique and spine-tingling. The dreads look like fingers or tarantula legs threatening to engulf the singer’s head. It’s one thing to make a bold fashion statement, but perhaps this was going too far. The Weeknd himself reportedly felt massively relieved when he cut it off, citing that it actually helped him sleep better. Though the ‘do is done, its image continues to haunt the annals of hair history.

Top Plight

Here’s a cautionary tale for those with smooth noggins planning a day out in the sun. Pro golfer Stewart Cink removed his cap after finishing a round at the 2014 Sony Open, revealing a stark tan line. Cink hasn’t changed his ways since then, however, continuing to forego any preventative measures. But that doesn’t mean you should. Even if you have plenty of hair, lather on that sunscreen before hitting the links.

Soul Man

Howie Mandel is by no means ill-groomed nowadays, giving off the sleek and confident presence of Mr. Clean. But, as anyone who’s watched Deal or No Deal knows, he did have a soul patch phase. The soul patch, coupled with a bald top (and earrings), can give the unfortunate impression of a man unwilling to gracefully accept baldness or with a distinct desire to look like a hack magician. Mandel has since parted ways with the patch, and it’s been a good deal for all of us.

Rent in Twain

Although he may not be a household name, many of us are familiar with Jimmy McMillan’s iconic phrase “The Rent Is Too Damn High” and the resulting Internet meme. McMillan’s impassioned pleas for social reform are memorable today partly because of how he looked while making them. Sporting shoulder-length silver locks and a bisected goatee, his fastidious and bizarre grooming choices were impressive in their own right, but arguably distracted from the overall message.

Careless Whisker

Canadian actor Michael Cera has made a career portraying sheepish underdogs like George-Michael Bluth from Arrested Development, so perhaps it’s no surprise his mustache is far from robust. These wispy whiskers may be allowed to exist within the context of a movie role, but are hard to justify in real life. The fickle ‘stache almost seems penciled on, and passersby likely had to fight the urge to reach out and erase it.

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