Hand It To Yourself: How To Take Solid Care Of Your Mitts

Hands say a lot about a man. Sure they’re not the first thing folks notice, but they’re usually the initial body part others come into actual contact with. And whether shaking, high fiving or caressing, it’s beyond important a man's hands communicate the right messages about their owner.

Well-groomed, put-together hands can be achieved in a number of ways, chief among them being regular professional or at-home manicures. No matter what route a guy goes, two daily action items are essential to maintain mitt integrity:


Just like the face, hands need to be regularly cleansed to remove grit and grime. An added item that necessitates washing is the need to eliminate the pesky germs and more that lead to infection, etc. Quality hand washes are recommended for use and are usually less drying and harsh than regular soap.


Hands take a pounding, whether via hard work or the elements. Restore the vital nutrients hands need to stay healthy and looking good by generously applying a professional-grade hand cream several times a day. Nobody wants to look at or shake “alligator hands.”

Should a professional manicure be too much to “hand-le,” simply bolt the door and do it yourself at home. Here’s how:


  • WASH & SOFTEN UP: Start out by washing your hands with a superior hand wash to disinfect and remove grit and grime. Then, soak both hands in a bowl of warm water to soften the nails and nail beds.
  • GET UNDER THERE: Clean underneath each nail with a high-end file to remove the jammed-in dirt and slime that just ain’t attractive or sanitary. Quickly wash hands again.
  • GIVE EM’ A TRIM: Individually trim each nail with a trimmer, starting each nail in the middle and then rounding off to the sides. It’s ideal to leave a thin, white strip on the end of each nail.
  • BE SMOOTH: Smooth the edge of each nail using a nail file or emery board. Go one way with the file, not back and forth like a saw. This will smooth the surface and leave nails with a touch of shine.
  • GET CREAMED: Seal the deal by massaging a hand cream all over hands and wrists.

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