How to Shave Your Head the Right Way

How to Shave Your Head the Right Way

Whether you want to gracefully accept that your hairline has all but disappeared, you want to be the sleekest swimmer in the pool, or you’re interested in trying out for the Blue Man Group, there are plenty of reasons to shave your head. But attempting to do it yourself can be a tricky endeavor. It’s a bold move that requires precision and patience. Since no one should go it alone when cleaning that dome, we’ve asked for advice and recommendations from Grooming Lounge’s own Master Grooming Expert & Educator Sophia LaBarge to help steer you in the right direction.



You wouldn’t play croquet on an overgrown lawn. The same goes for head-shaving. Prepare the “groundwork” by starting with a dry shave—using an electric razor to trim hair down to stubble length. Attempting a wet shave with hair that’s too long can lead to blades dragging the hair, clogging the razor, causing irritation and you just won’t get the close shave you’re after. Also helpful is using an exfoliating cleanser, which opens pores and “buffs down” skin that causes the ingrown hairs frequently found close to the neck. Lastly, apply a thick shaving cream.



Once you’ve mowed your hair down to stubble, it’s time to snag your razor. Whichever razor you choose, make sure the blades aren’t dull or worn down. Practice a good technique throughout by keeping the razor flat against your skin, handling at a 30-degree angle. Sophia suggests a razor from Headblade, which utilizes a wheel in the back and flex-head to maintain contact with the scalp as it rolls over the tough contours of your dome.

To get started, begin on the side of the head and make short, slow strokes downward in the direction of hair growth. Once you’ve dealt with the sides and back, move on to the top. To deal with the top, start at the whorl (the cowlick spot on the back of the head) and shave toward the forehead. After one pass, re-prep your head and do a second pass, this time going against the grain to ensure a close shave. This should go without saying, especially if this is your first foray into head-shaving, but use a mirror so you can see what you’re doing.


Post Care

Now you’ll want to make sure your freshly shaven head is primed for the spotlight. If you experience nicks and cuts, in addition to moisturizing aftershave you can also apply an ice-cold towel, which closes pores and prevents razor burn. Like any shaving sessions, a moisturizing aftershave will reduce irritation and razor burn. Sophia recommends Grooming Lounge's Best For Last Aftershave, an award-winning, calming post shave product to soothe the scalp. If nicks don’t respond to aftershave, incorporate our spot treatment, The Shavior, by dabbing it onto areas of irritation for quick relief and healing. Now that your bare head is a target for the sun’s rays, remember to protect it with hats or sunscreen.

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