How To Get The Best Shave Ever

Men's Shaving: How To Get The Greatest Shave Ever



Greatest Shave Ever Kit
Grooming Lounge The Shavior



Grooming Lounge how-to video demonstrates how men can get an ultra smooth and irritation-free shave using the best men's shaving products. Five easy steps help guys avoid shaving irritation, ingrown hairs, nicks, cuts, bleeding and more:

Step1 #: Prepare
Cleansing or exfoliating the face is the initial action in any great shave. Applying and rinsing off a targeted facial cleansing product before blade touch-down will eradicate excess grit, grime and waste.

Step #2: Create The Foundation
Immediately after cleansing or exfoliating the face (ideally after a shower), a high-quality shave oil should be massaged into a wet beard. Most shave oils require about 15 seconds to sink in, after which some warm water should be spritzed onto the face to activate the oil. What’s the oil do? What doesn’t it do is a better question. It’ll lift hairs away from the face, provide a slick and slippery surface for the razor and will put up a valiant fight against razor rash.

Step #3: Reinforce The Foundation
Over top of the shave oil, apply a detergent-free shave cream. Work into the beard aggressively using either fingers or a badger hair brush. Spend extra time working the cream into the more sensitive areas (usually the neck region) and don’t waste time worrying about excessive foam.

Step #4: Shave
Using a clean razor (this article is slanted toward a triple-blade version), begin shaving with the grain of hair growth, which is usually downward. Use short strokes, rinsing the blade often. Shave the "easy areas" first (cheeks), while leaving the neck, chin and upper lip for last. Only go against or across the grain at the end to get stubborn hairs.

Step #5: Moisturize
Wrap things up by splashing the coldest water available over freshly shaved skin. Such chilly H20 will wash off excess residue and help tighten up pores. From there, liberally apply an alcohol-free, soothing and moisturizing post-shave product. Rub on a little extra product to sensitive areas and let it soak in over time.

Step #6: Shaving Irritation
Even when following these steps, some men are simply prone to experiencing razor bumps, burn or ingrown hairs. Everyone gets some irritation, but how you tackle it is what matters. Applying a small dab of the Shavior to problem areas allows for the miracle product to go to work immediately, alleviating sensitive skin for a clear complexion and complete irritation relief.